Installation ************ Instructions ============ .. _install: The recommended way ------------------- The recommended way to install ``tcs_lib`` is using `pip `_:: pip install --extra-index-url tcs_lib It's possible to set the extra index URL permanently by adding the following lines to the ``$HOME/.pip/pip.conf`` file:: [global] extra-index-url = or exporting the environment variable:: export PIP_EXTRA_INDEX_URL= The list of released versions can be seen `on the MPE pypi server `_. A specific version can be installed using `specifiers `_, e.g. issuing ``pip install tcs_lib==0.1``. ``pip`` will take care of installing :ref:`tcs_lib dependances `. We suggest you install ``tcs_lib`` into a `virtualenv `_, in an `anaconda `_/`conda `_ or in similar environments. Of course it is also possible to install ``tcs_lib`` without any of the above with:: pip install --user --extra-index-url tcs_lib This way the executables shipped with ``tcs_lib`` are installed in ``$HOME/.local/bin``, so make sure to add this to the environment variable ``PATH`` to be able to easily use them on the command line. The use of ``sudo`` when installing with pip is `discouraged `_ and potentially harmful. .. _sourceinst: From local ``tcs_lib`` copy --------------------------- If you develop ``tcs_lib`` or want to use always the latest version, you can install it directly from the checked out svn repository. First you can obtain the source ``tcs_lib`` code with :: svn checkout svn:// tcs_lib If you already have the repository, you can of course keep it up to date with ``svn update`` Then you can install the library with:: pip install /path/to/tcs_lib or :: cd /path/to/tcs_lib pip install . where ``/path/to/tcs_lib`` is the base directory containing the ```` file. .. _svninst: From online svn repository -------------------------- It is also possible to install ``tcs_lib`` directly from the svn repository with :: pip install svn+svn:// If you want to install a specific commit or from a different branch or tag, you can do it issuing one of the following commands :: pip install svn+svn:// pip install svn+svn:// Other ways ---------- Once you obtained the source code as in :ref:`sourceinst`, you can install the code also using the good old :: cd /path/to/tcs_lib python build python install We do not recommend this method. .. _Dependances: Dependances =========== Mandatory dependences --------------------- :: pyzmq six .. _optdep: Optional dependences -------------------- * testing:: pytest pytest-cov tox * documentation:: sphinx numpydoc * automatic documentation build:: sphinx-autobuild .. _inst_devel: Development =========== If you develop ``tcs_lib`` we suggest to checkout the svn repository and to install it in `"editable" mode `_ and to install all the optional dependances:: cd /path/to/tcs_lib pip install -e .[livedoc] You can also use [not recommended] :: python develop See :doc:`contributions` for more information.