errors – Error defintions

Module with the Exception definitions used in tcs_lib

exception tcs_lib.errors.TCSLibError[source]

Bases: Exception

Error used as base class for all the others

exception tcs_lib.errors.DBOrderingError[source]

Bases: tcs_lib.errors.TCSLibError, ValueError

The database ordering keyword is not correct

exception tcs_lib.errors.ConvertTypeError[source]

Bases: tcs_lib.errors.TCSLibError, TypeError

Raised when the type to encode/decode is not correct

exception tcs_lib.errors.TCSEventIndexError[source]

Bases: tcs_lib.errors.TCSLibError, IndexError

Raise when an incoming TCS event is not composes of two parts

exception tcs_lib.errors.TCSJSONDecodeError[source]

Bases: tcs_lib.errors.TCSLibError, ValueError

Raise when the second part of the TCS event is not a valid json