server – ZMQ based server

ZMQ based server to stream content and TCS-like event generators.

class tcs_lib.server.ZMQServer(url, context=None)[source]

Bases: object

Create a ZeroMQ server that publishes content on the give ulr.

Sending events is performed by the send_event() method using zmq.Socket.send_multipart().

send_event() and start() allow to send generic events.

send_tcs_event() is designed to send events that reflect TCS expectations. If the tcs_event passed to the method does not contain the __wire_time key, set it to time.time().

url : string

url and port to bind the socket to

context : zmq.Context, optional

context to use when creating the sockets. If not given, uses the global instance returned by zmq.Context.instance()


Send the event via the socket.

event : list of string

event to send using zmq.Socket.send_multipart(); the events are converted to byte string using string_to_bytes().

send_tcs_event(tcs_topic, tcs_event)[source]

Version of send_event() specialized to send TCS-like events.

Set __wire_time in the tcs_event to time.time().

If event is a string, decode it into a dictionary using json.loads().

tcs_topic : string

topic of the event

tcs_event : dict or string

event to send


Start serving events via the socket

events : generator yielding lists of strings or bytes

each event retrieved in a loop and sent using send_event(). If one event is None, it is not sent.


Close the socket

class tcs_lib.server.TCSDBReplay(db_name, sort_by='none', speedup=1.0, topics=None, convert_number=False, convert_bool=False)[source]

Bases: object

Open a TCS sqlite3 database, query it and return one entry at a time when looping or using the next() builtin function.

db_name : string

file containing the database

sort_by : string, optional

whether to sort or not the event_ids. Accepted values: 'none', '__data_time', '__wire_time'

speedup : float, optional

speedup to use to replay the database. A value larger than 1 fast-forwards the replay, a smaller value slows the replay down

topics : list, optional

list of topics to return when iterating. If None or [], all topics are returned.

convert_number, convert_bool : bool, optional

try to convert database entries to number (int or float) and to boolean, according to the value of the data_type column. The conversion is fail-safe

event_ids : iterator

results of the query for the event_id. The attribute is filled by the _reset_iter()

start_wire_time, start_iter_time : float

wire time and current time when calling __next__() the first time. Call _reset_iter() to reset them before starting a new iteration


Reset the status and allow restarting the iterations.

  • Create and execute the query to retrieve the event_id and save it in event_ids. The query is done on the event table, if no ordering 'none' or the '__data_time' ordering is required, or on the attribute table, if the '__wire_time' ordering is required.
  • Unset the start_wire_time and start_iter_time

This method is called when initializing the class. It can be called to reinitialize the iterator.


if the ordering is not known


Return the instance for use as iterator


Get the next element of event_id, build the TCS object and return it.

list of strings or ``None``

if the topic is accepted returns [topic, json(event)], otherwise returns None


Create dictionary representing the event with id event_id

event_id : string

id of the event

result : dictionary

event information

_convert_to_type(value, type_)[source]

Try to convert value to the given type, if the conversion is required

value : string

value to convert

type_ : string

type of value. Known types: “number”, “boolean”, “string”. Any unknown type is treated as a string

value : int, float, bool or string

converted value


Try to convert the input value from string to int or float, in that order. If it fails, returns value unchanged


Try to convert the input value from "true"/"false" to True/False. If it fails, returns value unchanged


Update the '__data_time' and '__wire_time' as an offset from start_iter_time according to the required speedup.

event_dict : dictionary

event information

event_dict : dictionary

updated input

class tcs_lib.server.TCSMockEvent(sleep=1)[source]

Bases: object

Iterator class that always return a mock event 'lrs2.hardware.status'

sleep : float, optional

sleep sleep seconds between events


Return the instance for use as iterator


Return a mock event after sleeping for one second. It never raises a StopIteration exception.

list of strings

topic and mock event as [topic, json(event)]